7 annual flowers to sow in May for summer cutting

When it comes to adding leafy plants to flower arrangements, Ammi is an excellent choice. Having flower heads that are white and frothy and resemble clouds, as well as exquisite green foliage, it is deserving of a place in any vase.


When it comes to adding leafy plants to flower arrangements, Ammi is an excellent choice. Having flower heads that are white and frothy and resemble clouds, as well as exquisite green foliage, it is deserving of a place in any vase.


Cosmos are prolific cut flowers with soft leaves and stunning blooms that bloom for months and attract pollinators. Taller cosmos species like Cosmos 'Apricotta', available at Burpee, produce the nicest cut blooms and come in various hues.


There are many varieties of phlox to grow and the range of colors means there can be a phlox for any garden, while the sturdy stems keep them statuesque in any cut display.


People love scabious because it has flower heads that look like pillow cushions and sit on top of thin stems. They don't last very long in a pot, but they are easy to grow and produce a lot of flowers. They are also great for bees, butterflies.


Sunflowers are easy flowers to grow from seed and come in many colors and sizes. Single-stemmed sunflowers are great options to grow as cut flowers and can be sown indoors or outdoors in May.


Zinnias can grow in a lot of different ways. You can pick from a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Zinnias are great for cutting because they grow quickly and keep giving you flowers even after you cut them.