9 ways to make your child more independent

Don’t do it all

Sometimes parents assume they're helping by cooking, cleaning, and arranging for their kids, but that's not true. 

Don’t intervene

Failure and learning to handle disappointment are essential to independence and self-sufficiency. Let your child do what you ask them to do or try something new without interference.

Apologize to encourage change

If you recognize you're doing too much for your child and want to foster independence, talk to them. 

Take more time

When you let your youngster do anything, know it will take longer than if you did it. Be patient and provide additional time for tying shoes or emptying a bag when scheduling your family.

Give them age-appropriate tasks

Give your child chores they can do early on. Have your youngster put away toys or carry a water bottle. Have your kindergartener put on shoes and prepare a backpack.

Prepare for pushback

Younger kids, especially, resist doing things alone because they want to feel in charge. No worries—it's natural development. Do not shout and set clear expectations. 

Be clear in your direction

Children are often confused, but if they feel secure in your system, they'll be more inclined to do it themselves (and correctly) in the future.

Teach conflict resolution

Helping your child when they're bullied or don't feel heard by a teacher is one thing, but intervening in every argument or conflict with a friend or sibling removes their ability to self-regulate and problem-solve.

Remember that practice makes progress

Let your child handle something without criticism in their own manner. If anything spills, tell them that mistakes are part of learning.