This is your strategy: After unwinding with your favorite Friends episode, work out.
For example, you might use the tread to finally listen to Bach alumni Ashley Iaconetti and Ben Higgins' Almost Famous podcast.
Self-talk is frequently marketed as a technique for motivation, but in order to truly gain from it, you have to practice it correctly.
The runners averagely ran three more minutes when they observed their mates running for ten more minutes after studying.
Recall the moment you felt like a superhero after you killed that boot camp workout.
High-energy music can quickly move you from the couch to killing it during your exercise, whether you need a nice pump-up song to get you started or a jam to get you through the last few minutes.
You may boost your workout length and intensity by 200 percent when you work out with someone you think is physically fitter than you.
Invest in the essentials, such as a kettlebell, a pair of dumbbells, and a yoga mat, and you'll have one less reason to put off working out if you're not in the mood.
Give those high school sweatpants and ugly sports bra a good discard (like, right now) and treat yourself to some pretty new leggings or running shoes.