Successful weight loss: 7 tips to lose weight

Eat varied, colorful, nutritionally dense foods

Human diets should include healthy meals and snacks. Each meal should have 50% fruit and vegetables, 25% whole grains, and 25% protein to form a simple meal plan.

Keep a food and weight diary

Self-monitoring is key to weight loss. People can record their daily food intake in a paper diary, mobile app, or online. They can track their improvement by weighing themselves regularly.

Engage in regular physical activity and exercise

For both physical and mental health, regular exercise is very important. Increasing the amount of time you spend exercising in a planned and controlled way is often essential for losing weight.

Eliminate liquid calories

If you drink sugary drinks like soda, tea, juice, or booze every day, you could add hundreds of calories to your diet. You might have heard of these as "empty calories" because they give you extra energy without any nutritional value.

Measure servings and control portions

Overeating any food, especially low-calorie veggies, can cause weight gain. Therefore, consumers should not estimate serving sizes or eat from the packet. Better to use measuring cups and serving size guides. Guessing increases likelihood of overeating.

Eat mindfully

Mindful eating means being aware of what, why, how, when, where, and how you eat. It helps a lot of people. Being more in tune with your body will directly lead you to choose healthier foods.

Stimulus and cue control

A lot of social and natural cues can make people eat more than they need to. For instance, some people tend to eat too much when they're watching TV. Some people find it hard to give someone a bowl of candy without taking a piece.